Curriculum Vitae: Dr Mihai Tudor Balinisteanu |
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2004-07 PhD English Literature, University of Glasgow. Awarded on 28/11/2007.1999-2001 MA Irish Studies, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj. Distinction.
1991-97 BA English, University of Suceava. Grades average 93.10%.
9-14 Sept 2002: Teaching specialisation: University of Paris 7. Learning by Project/ PBL.
(1) 20 May-22 June 2015: Research Visitor: Zurich James Joyce Foundation.(2) 20-27 October 2014: Research Visitor: Villanova University, USA.
(3) 7-25 August 2014: Research Visitor: Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin.
(4) 1-18 November 2013: Exploratory Research Visit: University of Illinois at Chicago and DePaul University.
(5) 11 March-28 April 2013: Visiting Researcher: L’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris. Attended the seminar “L’Art, une technique d’adaptation?” (Prof Éric Michaud).
(6) 15 October-25 November 2012: Visiting Researcher, University of Sorbonne Nouvelle/ Bibliothèque du CEDIAS-Musée social.
(7) 10 March-27 May 2012: Visiting Research Fellow, Catholic University of Leuven.
Monographs:1. Religion and Aesthetic Experience in Joyce and Yeats (Houndmills: Palgrave, 2015).
2. Violence, Narrative and Myth in Joyce and Yeats: Subjective Identity and Anarcho-Syndicalist Traditions (Houndmills: Palgrave, 2013).
3. Narrative, Social Myth, and Reality in Contemporary Scottish and Irish Women’s Writing. Kennedy, Lochhead, Bourke, Ní Dhuibhne, and Carr (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009).
Articles in Journals:
1. “Romanian Folklore and Literary Representations of Vampires”, Folklore, 127:2, pp. 150-172.
2. “Spellbinding Stories: Gender Theory and Georges Sorel's Concept of Social Myth”, Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory, 42:1, pp. 107-126.
3. “Goddess Cults in Techno-Worlds: Tank Girl and the Borg Queen”, Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, 28:1, pp. 5-24.
4. “The Phallic Construction of Social Reality and Relationships in A. L. Kennedy’s Short Stories”, Papers on Language & Literature, 47:2, pp. 196-223.
5. “Tangled Up in Blue. Liz Lochhead’s Grimm Sisters Tales”, Marvels & Tales: Journal of Fairy-Tale Studies, 23: 2, pp. 325-352.
6. “Elements of the Eden Myth in A. L. Kennedy’s ‘Original Bliss’”, Journal of Gender Studies 18: 3, pp. 261-76.
7. “States of Fancy. The Role of Fantasy and Narrative in Constructing Social Worlds”, Angelaki 13: 3, pp. 1-16.
8. “The Land of Witch’s Heart’s Desire. Ontological Flickers in Marina Carr’s By the Bog of Cats…”, Irish Feminist Review 3, pp. 81-96.
9. “Otherworldly Women and Neurotic Fairies. The Cultural Construction of Women in Angela Bourke’s Writing”, Irish University Review 37: 2, pp. 492-516.
10. “My Words Should Catch Your Words: Myth, Writing and Social Ritual in A.L. Kennedy’s Everything You Need”, International Review of Scottish Studies 32, pp. 55-78.
11. “The Cyborg Goddess. Social Myths of Women as Goddesses of Technologized Otherworlds”, Feminist Studies 33: 2, pp. 394-423.
12. “The Spectator’s Pleasure: Yeats’s ‘Long-legged Fly’”, The International Fiction Review 32: 1&2, pp. 11-20.
13. “Meaning and Significance in Beckett’s The Unnamable”, Applied Semiotics / Sémiotique appliqué 13, pp. 167-75.
14. “The Queen Figure in Irish Culture”, Gender Studies 2, pp. 69-82.
Chapters in Books:
15. “The Persephone Figure in Eavan Boland’s ‘The Pomegranate’ and Liz Lochhead’s ‘Lucy’s Diary’” in From Word to Canvas: Appropriations of Myth in Women’s Aesthetic Production, eds. V. G. Julie Rajan and Sanja Bahun-Radunović (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009), pp. 23-49.
16. “Dreaming Brokenly of Deaths by Fire. Deconstructions of Social Myths in A. L. Kennedy’s Night Geometry and the Garscadden Trains” in Beyond the Anchoring Grounds: More Cross-currents in Irish and Scottish Studies, eds. Shane Alcobia-Murphy et al (Belfast: Queen’s University Belfast, 2005), pp. 9-19.
17. Review of Coleridge and Kantian Ideas in England, 1796-1817: Coleridge's Responses to German Philosophy. By Monika Class. London: Bloomsbury, 2012. xiv + 245pp. $120.00, Comparative Literature Studies, 53:1, online: pp. e-8-e-12.
(1) Current: Senior Research Fellow, Department of English, University of Suceava Developing the International Network Project “Modernist Literature and Economic Theory” ( Researcher page: September 2004-June 2007: Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Glasgow, Department of English Literature (Level 2A: “Writing and Ideology”, 5 hrs/week, 2nd yr course) and the Comparative Literature Programme (Levels 1A&1B: “Heroic Men” and “Heroic Women”, 2 hrs/week, 1st yr course).
(3) September 2001-December 2003: Teaching Assistant, English Dept, University of Suceava All levels Text Interpretation and English Literature. All coursework in English.
(1) Affiliated Researcher, Leuven Centre for Irish Studies (member page: Member of the Modernist Studies Association.
(3) Member of the International James Joyce Foundation.
(4) Member of La Société d’études soréliennes (The Society for Sorelian Studies).
(5) Expert Project Evaluator for the Romanian National Research Council (2011-present).
(1) Jury member Yeats Reborn: the EFACIS Yeats Anniversary Project, 2015 ( PRESENTATIONS:
15 October 2014: Department of English and Creative Writing, University of Lancaster: “Aesthetic Experience As Form of Religious Experience in Joyce & Yeats”15 November 2013: Willson Center for Humanities and Arts, University of Georgia: “The Dracula Figure in the Writing of Bram Stoker and Liz Lochhead: A Comparative Analysis in Relation to Romanian Folklore” (
15-20 June 2014: XXIV International James Joyce Symposium: a long the krommerun (Utrecht University): "Conviction and Aesthetico-Religious Experience in Joyce's Poetics"29 August - 1 September 2013: Modernist Studies Association (MSA 15) Conference: Everydayness and the Event (University of Sussex and Queen Mary, University of London): "The Aesthetico-Religious Value of Social Myth in Joyce and Yeats"
11-15 June 2013: XXIII North American James Joyce Conference: Joyce in Charleston (The College of Charleston and the University of South Carolina): "The Political Aesthetics of Myth in Joyce's Ulysses in Sorelian Perspective"
18-21 October 2012: Modernist Studies Association (MSA 14) Conference: Modernism & Spectacle (University of Nevada, Las Vegas): “The Bergsonian Ethos of Joyce’s and Yeats’s Writing: A Sorelian Perspective”
10-16 June 2012: XXIII International James Joyce Symposium: Joyce, Dublin, and Environs (Trinity College Dublin and University College Dublin): “Social Myth and James Joyce’s Political Aesthetic”
22-24 May 2012: Cycles, Recueils, Macrotexts: Theorizing the Short Stories Collection (Catholic University of Leuven): “Women’s Identities and the Masculine Folktale Tradition in Éilís Ní Dhuibhne’s The Inland Ice”
Exploratory Research Projects grant (Romanian National Research Council) for the project Violence, Narrative and Myth in Joyce and Yeats (app. £160,400);MacRobertson Grant (research on cyborg figures, California, 2006) (£3,100).